Sa'id Al-Khadimi ha riferito: Fu narrato da Hasan al-Basri che un
uomo gli disse, "Ho sentito che qualcuno ha sparlato di te". Hasan così prese un piatto di datteri e glielo diede al maldicente e lui ha detto,che tu mi hai dato le vostre opere buone, come un dono
così vorrei ripagare per esso, ma vi prego di scusarmi perché sono in
grado di ripagarti completamente. "
Abu Sa'eed Al-Khadimi reported: It was narrated from Hasan Al-Basri that a man said to him, “Indeed, someone has backbitten you.” Hasan sent a dish of sweet dates to the backbiter and he said, “I heard that you have given me your good deeds as a gift so I would like to repay you for it, but please excuse me because I am unable to completely repay you.”
Fonte: Bariqah Mahmudiyyah 257
Abu Sa'eed Al-Khadimi reported: It was narrated from Hasan Al-Basri that a man said to him, “Indeed, someone has backbitten you.” Hasan sent a dish of sweet dates to the backbiter and he said, “I heard that you have given me your good deeds as a gift so I would like to repay you for it, but please excuse me because I am unable to completely repay you.”
Fonte: Bariqah Mahmudiyyah 257
عن أبي سعيد الخادمى وروي عن الحسن البصري أن رجلا قال له إن فلانا قد
اغتابك فبعث إليه طبقا من الرطب وقال بلغني أنك أهديت إلي حسنات فأردت أن
أكافئك عليها فاعذرني فإني لا أقدر أن أكافئك بها على التمام
257 بريقة محمودية في شرح طريقة محمدية وشريعة نبوية في سيرة أحمدية الباب
الثاني في الأمور المهمة في الشريعة المحمدية الفصل الثالث في التقوى
النوع الثالالعلاج العلمي والعملي
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